The Saint Anne Atrium
Our Atrium
​The St. Anne Atrium was established in collaboration with Divine Mercy Academy and with the help of many in our community who devoted countless hours of their time and talents in the making and acquiring of materials. Its founding has been a true labor of love. Our chosen patroness, St. Anne, is venerated as the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She was a pious and faithful woman who raised Mary with grace and selflessly entrusted her to God. St. Anne is a powerful intercessor for all who are dedicated to raising children in the faith.
Our Catechists
We would not be able to offer CGS without our wonderful and dedicated group of catechistis, all of whom are parishioners at SJV. In order to actively serve in the atrium, they each have undergone the Level I formation course, which consists of 100 hours of training.