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Respect Life Group

SJV has a very active pro-life group whose mission it is to spread the word that every human life has dignity from conception to natural death. The Respect Life group at SJV watches for legislative measures that can be supported along with practical material ways we can help support life within the Gallatin valley. Below are just some of the events and programs the Respect Life group has participated in or supported. 


March for Life

Every year the Bozeman March for Life takes place during the same weekend as the national March for Life in January. Supporters march down main street of Bozeman showing their support for all issues surrounding life. The march ends at the Gallatin County Courthouse.


Life Chain

LIFE CHAIN is a peaceful, prayerful public witness of pro-life individuals standing in remembrance of  at least 65 million lives lost to abortion, praying for our nation, for people in crisis situations and for a permanent end to abortion.  It is a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children, hurts women and men, and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception to natural death.


Zoe Care

ZoeCare is a pregnancy and sexual health clinic offering free compassionate medical care. They are staffed by three doctors, three nurses, a social worker, and other professionals and volunteers. Our KoC and Respect Life Group both help support this Pregnancy Resource center. 


Into Life : Love Changes Everything

INTO LIFE: Love Changes Everything is a free online formation program that includes 12 videos, support materials, and pastoral resources. Throughout this program, you will be introduced to the beautiful charism of the Sisters of Life, including the theological foundations and the pastoral framework they use in their ministry. You will have the opportunity to pray and reflect on what it means to live a “spirituality of life,” and also to reflect on walking with a woman through an unexpected pregnancy. This series is not only a resource for pro-life work, but for the whole scope of human relationships – because it’s ultimately about upholding each other, about listening and accompaniment, and about affirming the other in their goodness and worth. It’s about seeing and loving in truth. When we know we’re loved, we can soar!


40 Days for Life

The 40 Days for Life campaign usually takes place during Lent in Bozeman. While Bozeman currently does not have an abortion clinic in town, Bridger Care is a local clinic that does do abortion referrals. Parishioners participating in 40 Days for Life sign up for a time to walk with signs and pray outside outside the Bridger Care clinic. 


Saint John Vianney parish was established as Valley of Flowers Mission in 1983. It was raised to parish status in 2013 under the patronage of Saint John Vianney.


609 N. Quaw Blvd. 
Belgrade, MT 59714



You can reach the main office
Monday - Wednesday 10:30am - 3:00pm
Phone: 406 -388-1290

For bulletin submissions please email:

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