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Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

​Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

What is CGS?

In 2024 St. John Vianney discerned offering Catechesis of the Good Shepherd as a way of serving and forming the youngest members of The Good Shepherd’s flock. This program was developed by Dr. Sofia Cavalletti and Gianna Gobbi through many years of study and research in religious education and children. Sofia Cavalletti was a scripture scholar and Gianna Gobbi a Montessori educator who had been trained and mentored by Dr. Maria Montessori. Their work brought together the strengths of Cavalletti’s expansive knowledge of the faith and Gobbi’s deep understanding of the needs and stages of development in children.

​The Atrium: A Place of Encounter

Maria Montessori envisioned a place that would be dedicated to children’s religious education. She called this place the atrium, corresponding to the name of the space in the ancient basilica that lay between the street and the inner sanctum of the church. It was in this place (often a covered courtyard) that the faithful prepared themselves, both physically and spiritually, to enter the church and to participate in the liturgy. Within Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, the atrium serves a similar role, a place of preparation physically and spiritually, to foster an encounter with our living triune God.


The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is grounded in the belief that the child already has a relationship with God before he arrives in the atrium, but desires to understand more fully the nature of that relationship and to celebrate it. The Catechesis seeks to help the child’s relationship with God flourish by introducing and pondering with the child core mysteries of the faith in a way that is respectful of both the child at this phase of her/his development and the rich scriptural & liturgical heritage of our sacramental tradition. The adult plays a unique role in the Catechesis – as both the preparer & facilitator of the atrium space and a co-listener with the child before the Word of God. Introduction to the mysteries of the faith are accompanied by exercises in practical life which help the child to gain the concentration and stillness that aide a deep listening to God’s Word. They also help strengthen the community life in the atrium by giving the child sense of ownership for the care of the space & tools for interacting with others in a kind & respectful manner.

For a more in-depth reading please see this linked pdf by Dr. Mary Ford on the formation approach of CGS.


CGS Registration for the 2024-2025 catechetical year

About The Saint Anne Atrium

What topics are presented as a part of CGS for a 3-5yr old?

Parent Pages

Atrium Needs

How may I volunteer as an assistant or catechist in the atrium?

Theresa Dean 
Atrium Coordinator

(817) 727-5873


Saint John Vianney parish was established as Valley of Flowers Mission in 1983. It was raised to parish status in 2013 under the patronage of Saint John Vianney.


609 N. Quaw Blvd. 
Belgrade, MT 59714



You can reach the main office
Monday - Wednesday 10:30am - 3:00pm
Phone: 406 -388-1290

For bulletin submissions please email:

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