Knights of Columbus
Join Us! Become a Knight of Columbus
We the Men they call Knights of Columbus belong to an Order with over 1.8 million members that donated more than $151 million and 69 million volunteer hours last year to charitable and Church causes.
Our local Council, Missouri Headwaters Council 10432, meets here at St. John Vianney on the second Thursday of each month.
We have a membership of 53 men, ranging in age from 18 to 73 years.
We sponsor numerous fundraisers and events during the year to include: Fry Bread sales, Pasties sale, Chili Cook Off, Mother’s Day Brunch, Kids Free Throw Competition, Golf Tournament, Wild Game Feed Night, Caroling Night, etc.
Because of our fundraisers and with thanks for support of the parishioners, our Council is able to make donations to Zoe Care Pregnancy Resource Center and Seminarians.
Does any of this interest you? Have you been looking for a way to be of service to others? Are you interested in meeting other men and families with similar interests in our parish? Are you an inactive member of another council and would like to be involved again and closer to home? Can we help you to live your faith and get closer to our Lord? The time any of this takes is the time you have. It doesn’t involve any more time than what you have to give. We meet once per month but it is not mandatory that you attend all meetings. For more information, ask any Knight or give me a call. You will be surprised by what you will learn and how much we truly are all alike. Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and please ask any of us Knights if you have any questions. We would love to have you join us!
Grand Knight
Greg Leman